Anxious Heart

Anxious Heart
Modified from Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

My heart is split
Split in two
It wasn’t broken — no,
but it’s getting pulled apart
by the attention that it’s got

On one side,
there’s validation
a secure, attention.
one that puts my heart at ease

On the other,
there’s a longing
for the continuation of a feeling.
An unrelenting attraction
Perhaps a limerance

Friendships I don’t want to break
but my heart seems to ache
curious about the paths
it could take

Many deep questions
about life, to ask
To hear answers
about life’s desires

But before I decide to take another leap
maybe I’ll wait for one to come to me.
To open up that door.
Before I get hurt by my own
stubborn mind

I’m hesitant to make a move
for fear of my heart breaking in two.
Not by any hurt.
But by the love that
brings me back down to Earth.