Welcome to my Ghost Blog!

Welcome to my Ghost Blog!
Shadowy Shenanigans

Hi all! I'm kicking off this Ghost blog as an alternate source for the things that I post on Medium! You may have noticed that my Medium content has migrated over. In the future, I will be posting primarily to Ghost for my email subscribers and on Medium.

By transitioning to Ghost, you'll be able to subscribe to each of the lists I have on Medium individually. The categories I post will fall under one of the following:

  1. Life - reflective pieces about experiences I've had
  2. Ideas and Thought Experiments - inspired by conversations I've had
  3. Poetry - I write poetry sometimes, and other times they are more like spoken word.
  4. Tech - all things related to tech news and my thoughts. (Future posts here may end up on Substack as its own dedicated newsletter. 👀)

Feel free to subscribe to one, a few, or all of the lists to get an email each time I post something new!