Falling Against a Wall

Falling Against a Wall
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

I’m glad I took the risk
Took the risk to fall
I used to be scared
to even fall at all

I wanted to get to know you more
To learn about who you are
But every chance I tried to text
All I hit against were walls

You’re busy and stressed
and don’t like to text
But I’d carve out the time to call
But maybe I’m not enough of a utility friend
for you to even want that at all

We don’t know each other well enough
To wade into the depths
I want to learn how to love you more
As a friend, but I think you find it hard to accept

I wanted to meet up in person more
But we were both too busy and all
I decided I’d wait for you to initiate
Because I didn’t want to push down your wall

I care about you
I truly do
I want to see you happy

If that means giving you space
and less quality time
I’ll gladly step away

You’re a motivating force
And I enjoy the time we spend
Even if we’re not compatible
It’s okay that we stay friends

It sucks that I feel this distance
But it seems to be what you need
And hopefully we’ll find the time
To eventually reconvene