Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea
Photo by Matt Hardy on Unsplash

He flails his arms against the wave which engulfs him.
Fighting back, trying not to drown.
He wants to find a boat, a raft…
that he can reach for to stay afloat.

He’s strong though.
He has the endurance and stamina to persist
But the levels are slowly decreasing.
Well aware that he will eventually run out of energy.

He’s in the ocean.
Plenty of fish swimming underneath.
They’re fun to look at,
But he stays focused.
Focused on his goal.

He keeps searching for a lead
A hint of something promising.
And there!
He spots something in the distance.
He takes advantage of the currents
And maybe hitching a ride on a dolphin or a whale or two
Making his way over towards the object.

The closer he gets, the easier it is to make out what it is.
It’s not a boat or a raft.
He’s found land.
A sigh of relief escapes him.
He’s been lost at sea for so long
And finally
He can rest.

Rest assured that at least for the near future,
He won’t be returning to the ocean