music is healing
when my emotions were hard to express outwardly
i turned to music
spending hours upon hours on YouTube
watching lyric videos
listening to covers.
even now,
music is my go-to source for relief.
it's my source of joy,
it's my source for expressions of sorrow
to lose music in my life would be to lose my safe space.
i hope i never have to lose music.
music has allowed me to feel
when i didn't feel it was okay to feel
through music i found the words
to express what i felt
when i didn't know how to put feelings into words.
music has allowed me to heal.
is healing.
thank you to all the friends i have made throughout the years through music.
be it those i was in band from 6th grade through college with,
or the friends i've met bonding over an artist or a genre.
even the ones who've welcomed me into home jam sessions
music is something i feel confident and completely unconfident in.
i feel like i know it well and don't know it at all.
i'm constantly learning something new – each time i engage in it.