Not Looking

Not Looking
Photo by Henry Lo on Unsplash

I’m not looking for a relationship
I have other priorities right now
I’m interested, but my life’s been quite busy
And I’m not sure if I can dedicate the time you deserve

I’m not looking for a relationship
I’m seeing someone privately,
unsure of where it leads
And haven’t shared anything with anyone

I’m not looking for a relationship
(With you), the words unsaid
I’m not attracted, but didn’t want to be direct with
“I’m not interested” out of fear
Of a backlash reaction

I’m not looking for a relationship
I’m focused on myself and
don’t know what I’m looking for yet
And don’t want you to get hurt in the process

I’m not looking for a relationship
A line that wouldn’t be used if I actually was in one
Because I would have said “I already have a partner”

I’m not looking for a relationship
It’s a line that could mean many things
And is open to interpretation

I performed this poem on my Instagram.