The Limerent Fallout

The Limerent Fallout
Photo by reza shayestehpour on Unsplash

Desperate to maintain
A friendship which causes pain
Because of the rare hope of a response

The care that is genuine
Is sabotaged by imagination
Of an unreciprocated love

It makes me uncomfortable
To make him uncomfortable
And to see things fall apart

But the limerence in me
Tries hard to recede
Into the abyss of a certain loss

I acknowledged the pain
Of this complicated domain
In which the heart is at certain fault

Thankful for it all
I’m not burning as I fall
I see myself do better than before

I see the growth in me
As a bridge isn’t burning to smithereens
And I am not hating him or myself

There’s only a deep appreciation
Through this unforgiving situation
That is unfortunate at best

And only time will tell
If this friendship returns from hell
Because I am fucking grateful for this experience

It’s shown me I can survive
And not be too panicked on the inside
Over every new connection that I make

So I hope I find a love
And that he finds his love
And we can return to a more comfortable state